Curious about membership? Take a look through these common questions and contact if you have any other questions!
When will my membership lapse?
What are my payment options?
When do I pay full dues as a recent graduate?
I’m retired. Do I get a discount?
Yes. If you have attained life status (active membership for 30 consecutive years or 40 total), and you are an active life member upon retirement, then you would be considered a “retired life” member. Retired life members do not pay any dues, and automatically receive membership every year. If you retire prior to achieving life status, then your dues are heavily discounted, and the total amount depends on which component you are in. Retired dues for 2023 broke down as follows:
ADA - $150
LDA - $25
Component - $0-50
Retired membership does count toward years of membership, so if you retire with 28 consecutive years of membership, you would only need to maintain a paid retired membership for 2 years before transitioning to retired life status and receiving a free membership.