Louisiana Charitable Dental Clinics

Donated Dental Services (DDS) - A Program of Dental Lifeline Network, Louisiana

Louisiana participates in the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program as a collaborative, direct way that the dental profession reaches out to the elderly and individuals with special needs. If you would like to volunteer for the program, go to www.dentallifeline.org or call the Louisiana DDS coordinator, Courtney Childs at (225) 926-8062. Patients interested in applying for the program should also call (225) 926-8062. If necessary, volunteers and patients can email cchilds@DentalLifeline.org.

Last fiscal year (2019-2020), Dental Lifeline Network • Louisiana, through its DDS Program, provided 143 patients with dental treatment, $285,108 value of care to patients treated and $25,028 of donated lab services. Since the program’s inception in 1987, DLN raised $500 million in donated dental treatment and served 165,000 patients with the support of 39,000 dentists.

For volunteers, participation could not be easier.  Dentists and labs take care of the patients, DDS does everything else; no headaches, no red tape.  A DDS coordinator is the liaison between the patient, the labs and the dentists, answering any and all questions, assisting the patient, the lab and the dentist with anything and everything.  The goal of DDS is to return patients to good oral health, enabling them to reach an affordable maintenance level. Go to www.dentallifeline.org and click on “volunteer.” 

Federally Qualified Health Centers, or FQHCs, can also be found in different parts of the state. A list of FQHCs and additional information can be found on the LA Primary Care Association website.

Another option is the LSUHSC School of Dentistry, however, there is a cost associated with the dental care. However, the fees are offered at a reduced rate compared to private practices. Visit the LSUHSC School of Dentistry website for contact and patient information.

The Louisiana Health Care Commission through the Louisiana Department of Insurance has gathered a wealth of information for the uninsured and placed it in brochures set up to highlight regional parts of the state. The completed brochures, called Regional Health Care Resources for the Uninsured, have been done for the following:


Dental Program of Acadiana

The Donated Dental Program of Acadiana is comprised of volunteer dentists throughout Acadiana (Acadia, Avoyelles, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, Terrebonne and Vermilion parishes) and provides free dental treatment for patients who have been approved for the program.  These volunteer dentists offer their office and staff out of the kindness of their hearts.  In 2012, this program saw 149 patients, donating $199,015 worth of dental care.

Criteria for eligibility:  Patients must be 62 years or older with household income at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) and not working or 18 years plus receiving SSI and/or SSD due to a severe disability which prevents the person from working, with household income at or below FPG.  Patients must be ambulatory.  Examples of Disabilities:  mental retardation, muscle disorders, Cerebral Palsy, visual and hearing impairments, epilepsy, developmental disabilities, spinal cord injuries (no other type of back injury) and mental illnesses (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.).   Examples of Medically Compromising Conditions:  cancer, renal/kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.  Proof of Gross Income (required for all household members):  bank statement; award letter for Social Security, SSI and SSD, retirement; pensions; and, any other income statements.  The program does not offer full mouth extractions, posterior (back) root canals, dentures or bridge work. For more information contact:  232-HELP/LA 211 Donated Dental Program, P.O. Box 52763, Lafayette, LA  70505, call 337-232-4357 or fax 337-232-1960.

St. Bernadette Community Clinic

409 St. John Street
Lafayette, La.  70501

St. Bernadette’s Clinic is a walk in clinic that provides evaluation of dental pain and medical treatment for dental infections. Low income, uninsured and underinsured populations are eligible for medical services.  Dental extractions are offered to residents of Acadiana who meet the eligibility criteria.  However, there is a waiting list for dental extractions which are available by appointment only.  Patients requesting services should bring a picture ID and all current medications to the clinic.  Patients can call the clinic at 337-267-1437 for further information.

The dental clinic is staffed by volunteer dentists and dental assistants. The nursing staff employed at the clinic work closely with the dental volunteers during extraction clinic days. Dental professionals interested in joining the volunteer team can call Gigi Dossey at 337-267-1437 or email at dosseym@lourdesrmc.com.


Community Health Worx

1543 McGinnis Street, Alexandria, LA 71301
By appointment only.

Huey P. Long Outpatient Clinic building in Alexandria

Located at: England Airport
Hours: Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Extractions only.

Greater Baton Rouge

Capitol City Family Health Center (medical and dental)

3140 Florida Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
(225) 650-2000 (for the dental department, press 2)

New Orleans

Good Samaritans Ministry (Slidell)

Call 985-641-6421 for an appointment. We refer selected people each month.
**Best time to call is the 1st day of the month because the patients are selected for treatment on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

The New Orleans Council on Aging (NOCOA)

Call 504-586-7287 or 504-586-7288  to schedule an appointment.
Provide comprehensive dental services, health education, and oral hygiene counseling to ambulatory elderly for a low cost at the Central City Senior Center.
***Best time to call is Monday and Wednesday
E-mail: administration@nocoa.org

United Cerebral Palsy of Greater N.O.

2200 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 103, Kenner, LA 70062
Phone: (504) 461-4266 Fax: (504) 461-9976
E-mail: info@ucpgno.org

Veterans Affairs Clinic (Outpatient Clinic)

Baton Rouge: Located on Essen; (225) 761-3400
Mandeville: 812 Park Ave.; (504) 504-412-3700

LSU School of Dentistry to Open After Hours Pediatric Clinic
LSUSD is opening an after-hours pediatric dental clinic in November 2016. Dental students and pediatric dental residents, under faculty supervision, will treat children and adolescents by appointment in the clinic on the LSU Health New Orleans School of Dentistry campus, 1100 Florida Avenue. Services include examinations, x-rays, cleanings and sealants, as well as restorative services (fillings, crowns, pulp therapy, space maintenance) and extractions. The clinic will be open two evenings a month, from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. and one Saturday per month, from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling (504) 941-8201. The clinic will accept Medicaid and LaCHIP, and others can benefit from the discounted care under the school’s student fee schedule.


S.D. Hill Dental Clinic

1805 Jackson Street
Monroe, LA
Hours: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Primary Health Dental Clinic

Located at: 2914 Betin St., Monroe, Louisiana 71201
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.,  Monday – Friday
Cleanings, fillings and extractions, charges based on income. Patients should bring in proof of income, identification and last check stub (or proof of household income if the patient does not work). Contact the phone number above for an appointment or for more specific information.

Northeast Louisiana Virtual Clinic (NLVC)

Phone: (318) 509-8945
Email: info@NLVConline.org

Those seeking healthcare through the NLVC will be screened for eligibility.  To qualify for care, a person must meet the following criteria:
•be currently employed, working a minimum of 30 hours per week
•have worked ten out of the last twelve months
•earn 200% or below of the federal poverty guidelines
•show proof of residence in parish of enrollment (utility bill, etc)
•not have any other form of medical or dental insurance
•not be receiving any federal or state assistance

To qualify you MUST bring a copy of these 4 items:
1.Drivers License/Photo ID
2.Previous year's Filed Income Tax Statement (example: Form 1040)
3.Two most current check stubs; if more than one employer in the past year, final check stub of each employment (must provide year to date family income).
4.Proof of residency in this parish of enrollment (utilities bill, etc.)


All Saints Free Community Medical Dental Center

Hours: Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday  9 a.m. – 12 p.m.


David Raines Community Health Center - Bossier

1514 Doctor’s Drive, Bossier City
(318) 549-2500

David Raines Community Health Center - Gilliam

12763 Lay Street, Gilliam
(318) 296-4287

David Raines Community Health Center - Minden

128 Homer Road, Minden
(318) 377-1545

David Raines Community Health Center - Haynesville

1953 East Main Street, Haynesville
(318) 624-1995

David Raines Community Health Center - Shreveport

1625 David Raines Road, Shreveport
(318) 425-2252

Outpatient Medical Center - Dental Clinic

1640 Breazeale Springs Street, Natchitoches
(800) 268-5872
Sliding fee discount with proof of income and number of members in household.


Calcasieu Community Clinic

Located at: 550 Sale Road (On Mcneese State University campus)
Hours: Thursday only, screening hours 4 – 6 p.m. and clinics from 6 – 9 p.m.
Free clinic for the working, uninsured. Patients treated on a first come, first serve basis.

To be eligible:

• Must meet the national poverty guidelines.
• Must bring drivers license, social security card, last three paycheck stubs and a copy of most recent tax return.
• Applicants who have any type of health care insurance (including Medicaid) are NOT eligible.
• People who work on average less than 20 hours/week or who have been unemployed for over 6 months are also NOT eligible.


Southwest Louisiana Education and Referral Center

We provide free dental treatment to the disabled. Applicants must fill out an application to determine eligibility.
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.